Mon-Sat : 09.30 A.M. to 06.30 P.M.

Pharma Distributors

Establish the best version of your business in your industry by managing your finances well with NavaShakthi Chits.


Reach your business objectives faster by better strategizing your finance with NavaShakthi Chits.
Add more suppliers & products
Add more suppliers & products
Earn better profits by adding more suppliers and products to your business list using money from our chit schemes.
Expand your business
Expand your business
Expand your business by broadening your market reach and capturing it well with NavaShakthi Chits.
Make sure to save money for your business’ future expenses or stocking up on new supplies with NavaShakthi Chits.


Reduce competition, increase your working capital, and get rid of other problems too by investing in our chit funds scheme.
Working capital
Working capital
Let an inflowing working capital even during a crisis help you scale your business. Invest in our chit schemes now!
Market dues
Market dues
Never keep your dues waiting to be paid anymore by being able to access your money anytime with NavaShakthi Chits.
Invest money in a scheme that best suits your business. Save more money and beat the competition with essential strategies.
Delayed payments
Delayed payments
Forget about delayed payments by signing up for NavaShakthi Chits schemes as an alternative source of money.


Bear the fruits of investing in chit funds by never missing out on the best opportunity that comes your way due to financial strain.
Save parts of your profit and turn them into an asset by investing money in our chit funds scheme.
Expand future plan
Expand future plan
Without thinking much about how you will gather funds, plan for your future expansion with the help of NavaShakthi Chits.
Borrowing more than invested
Borrowing more than invested
Help yourself out in times of need by immediately borrowing more money than you invested in our chit schemes.